Divyanka Gupta
Working with Divyanka was such a pleasant experience, we had long conversations about being second-generation immigrants, and the importance of embracing our cultures and keeping it alive, even when we don’t particularly identify with all of it. During the shoot I felt like pausing every 5 minutes just to compliment her beauty, because it was THAT mesmerizing. She is also a very talented dancer and we tried to incorporate that into the shoot. All in all it was just a lot of fun, and the result is still one of my favorites!
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“Vunde gurunam caranaravinde / Sandarsita svatma sukhavabodhe / Nihsreyase jangalikayamane / Sansara halahala moha santyai / Hala hala / Ahahu purusakaram sankha cakrasi / Ahahu purusakaram sankha cakrasi / Dharinam dharinam sahasra sirasam / Dharinam dharinam sahasra sirasam / Vande.”
— Madonna